Motion Masquerade

"Spot the girl who spins in motion, she spins so fast so she won't fall…" – Amandla Stenberg

Music Challenge #1

I’ve seen dozens of writing challenges across WordPress, but not many that involve music. I’ve always been one of those weirdos who can listen to a song and create a whole story (or stories) around it in my mind; so, I thought I’d start a music challenge here on Motion Masquerade.

The rules are simple.

  1. Listen to the song.
  2. Create a piece of artwork — a drawing, a memoir piece, a photograph, a poem, a short story, anything creative really – inspired by said song.
  3. Tag your post with “motionmasquerade” and “music challenge”.
  4. Create a pingback (i.e. a link to this post in your post) and leave a link to your post in the comments section.
  5. You have one week to complete the challenge.
Tell You Heart to Beat Again by Danny Gokey

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2 responses to “Music Challenge #1”

    1. Yay! Oh, Mangus! You just made my day! ✨🥳✨


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